Mental Health

Mental Health

Visit your family doctor (GP) if you have mental health concerns.

A GP can give you advice, medication, do tests or refer you to specialized services. 

Your GP might refer you to a mental health team at your local Primary Care centre. This team may include a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker and occupational therapist. The HSE Primary Care Centres also offer health or social services such as a psychologist in a community based setting outside of a hospital. The community mental health team is usually made up of a consultant psychiatrist, registrar in psychiatry and nurses.

Your GP or Primary Care team can also refer you to Counselling in Primary Care if you have a medical card. This service is free of charge from the HSE. It offers 6-8 counselling sessions and is delivered by qualified therapists.

Counselling is also available through self-referral if you contact individual organisations and make an appointment directly.

For more details of services in your area call 1800 111 888 or visit


Urgent care

For urgent care contact the GP out-of-hours service if your GP is not available or use the mental health services unit at your local hospital. You can also call free call Samaritans 116123 or Text YMH to 50808.


Multilingual Supports 

Mental Health Guide and Directory in 8 languages can be downloaded here.

To speak with a trained multilingual Mental Health & Wellbeing Support & Advocacy Volunteer call Cairde 01 855 211.

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