Hospital Services

Hospital Services

If you are an ordinarily resident in Ireland you are entitled to free or subsidised public health services. Visitors from the EU and Australia are also entitled to free public health services. Visitors from non-EU countries have to pay to use Ireland’s health services.

You can use a public hospital in Ireland in the following circumstances:

  • In an emergency

First go to your GP if you are in an emergency situation. If your GP can’t help you, they will refer you to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of your nearest hospital. A referral letter will make the process of using A&E much easier.

  • To see a specialist

Your GP will refer you to a specialist in a public hospital if you require specialist care. You may have to wait a long time before the specialist is able to provide you with an appointment.

  • To get a test, scan or check-up done

If you need a test, scan, check-up or x-ray you may need to go to a public hospital to have it done. Your GP will refer you if this is the case.

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